Pradip Parajuli

Psychological Counselor/Life Coach Practitioner

Of Course! College is a learning platform. Beside the textbooks, one can learn many things in the college. Don’t go college for solely completion of the program and getting an Academic Degree. Academic Certificate is just a piece of paper unless you have the skills, potentialities and discipline. As far as it is concerned, the purpose of college is not just education. Education is massively available in the textbooks and internet. College doesn’t stand for parroting study and reading textbooks.
The purpose of college is to figure out what you enjoy and where you fit in.
The purpose of college is to explore different things and look at the things out of the box.
The purpose of college is also establishing the networks and social relations– where you are able to make friends according to your will, seek help, make valuable inputs and take the major responsibilities of yourself.

Be humble and gentle. Interact with the friends and teachers.
Sit on as many chairs as you can before you can find the one chair on which you feel you belong.
Take responsibilities.
Laugh!! Giggle!! And Enjoy every moment.
Keep Thriving!!!

Pradip Parajuli

I am Pradip Parajuli. I have been in helping profession since 13 years. To tell the truth, I am a new Life Coach practitioner. Yet prior to becoming a Life Coach, I spent 5 years working as a Counselor; and before that I used to work as a Social Worker and Program Manager in a reputed International Non-governmental Organization. I am practicing Counseling as well as Life Coaching. From the get-go, I loved life coaching. As I kept going and trained in Counseling, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Life Coaching (Beginner to Advanced), my belief that I had found my niche in life was cemented. That niche is to help people get unstuck and find more purpose and enjoyment in their lives.
I genuinely do understand when clients say they’re looking for a change, but don’t know what it is yet or how to achieve it. Because I have been there, done that and thankfully was lucky enough to walk away to now be doing a job where I never have to think “Thank God it’s Friday (TGIF).”


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