Control and Surrender
I often see the people who complain and become irritated about the things that they can’t control. I read somewhere that our life becomes easier when we are able to…
Psychological Counselor/Life Coach Practitioner
I often see the people who complain and become irritated about the things that they can’t control. I read somewhere that our life becomes easier when we are able to…
This morning I had a conversation with a highly scholar person (what I consider him) in a Café. He is very much happy about his life as well as his…
When I was in my twenties my mother used to encourage me to study hard so that in the future I will be able to find a good job (work)…
I happened to establish interaction with a wise man. Taking a sip coffee, he said– “I have done a lot but I haven’t received a single appreciation and gratitude from…
I read few years ago — “An average person thinks about sixty thousands thoughts daily. But the interesting thing is that 90% are exactly the same repetitive thoughts as the…
Lately, I have seen so many advertisements in the newspapers and online social networking site which portray– “100% Job is guaranteed after completion of the training.”…
Of Course! College is a learning platform. Beside the textbooks, one can learn many things in the college. Don’t go college for solely completion of the program and getting an…
The story is vivid in my mind that goes something like this– “A man went to a psychiatrist and asked to help him. The psychiatrist asked about his problem. He…
We all have been PROGRAMMED!! It is ridiculous to hear such statement, isn’t it? Perhaps, many of you are surprised to hear that we have all been programmed. But it’s…
I really appreciate the readers and I frequently encourage my students and dearest ones to read the books as per their own interests. I am strictly stick on the presupposition…