Pradip Parajuli

Psychological Counselor/Life Coach Practitioner

Once upon a time, in the heart of the jungle, there was an injured monkey who had escaped from its owner. The poor creature needed treatment, but its owner couldn’t find it. Determined to help the monkey without causing it any harm, she came up with a smart idea using just a glass jar and a ripe banana (she must have been reading about Acceptance and Commitment Therapy-ACT!). .

The owner, aware of the monkey’s love for bananas, attached the jar to a strong tree and placed a tempting banana inside. With patience, she awaited the outcome, trusting in the success of her plan.

Before long, the monkey caught sight of the banana and eagerly approached the jar. With anticipation coursing through its veins, the monkey reached inside, eager to claim the delicious fruit. However, as soon as its hand closed around the banana, it realized that it was trapped!

Despite its frantic efforts to free itself, the monkey found itself stuck. Every attempt to extract its hand only tightened the grip, leaving it trapped in a frustrating situation. The solution was simple – to let go of the banana – but the monkey was too fixated on its prize to consider such a course of action.

In its desperation, the monkey tried everything in its power to break free, yet its efforts only served to exacerbate the situation. It pulled, it pushed, it struggled – but all in vain. The more it resisted, the more entangled it became.

Fortunately, the monkey’s owner eventually located it and provided the necessary treatment. But the lesson from this tale extends far beyond the jungle – it serves as a poignant reminder of our own struggles with thoughts and emotions.

Like the monkey, we often find ourselves trapped by our own minds. We resist, we fight, we cling desperately to our thoughts and emotions, hoping to regain control. Yet, in doing so, we only perpetuate our suffering.

But what if we were to let go? What if we were to release our grip on those thoughts and emotions that bind us? In surrendering our need for control, we may find a newfound sense of freedom – freedom from the constraints we have fashioned for ourselves.

So the next time you find yourself ensnared in the grip of your thoughts, remember the monkey and the banana. Sometimes, the key to liberation lies not in resistance, but in relinquishment or surrender.

Let go, and set yourself free.

Pradip Parajuli

I am Pradip Parajuli. I have been in helping profession since 13 years. To tell the truth, I am a new Life Coach practitioner. Yet prior to becoming a Life Coach, I spent 5 years working as a Counselor; and before that I used to work as a Social Worker and Program Manager in a reputed International Non-governmental Organization. I am practicing Counseling as well as Life Coaching. From the get-go, I loved life coaching. As I kept going and trained in Counseling, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Life Coaching (Beginner to Advanced), my belief that I had found my niche in life was cemented. That niche is to help people get unstuck and find more purpose and enjoyment in their lives.
I genuinely do understand when clients say they’re looking for a change, but don’t know what it is yet or how to achieve it. Because I have been there, done that and thankfully was lucky enough to walk away to now be doing a job where I never have to think “Thank God it’s Friday (TGIF).”


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